
Parliamentary Committee On Cabinet Affairs Calls For Increased Funding To SMART Zambia.

Kabwe, May 31st, 2024, SZI…Acting Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Cabinet Affairs and Member of Parliament for Mwandi Constituency, Sibeso Sefulo, has called for increased staffing levels and funding to the Electronic Government Division (SMART Zambia.
This call was made after a tour of SMART Zambia facilities at the Kabwe Women, Newborn, and Children’s Hospital, and Ministry of Lands, among others.
“We need to find a way to increase funding to SMART Zambia so that we can have more work being done not only here in Kabwe but roll out this to all provinces,” she said.
She emphasized the need for more equipment support, staffing levels, and funding for the SMART Zambia Institute.
Ms. Sefulo was impressed with the work done by the Smart Zambia Institute at the Kabwe Women, Newborn, and Children’s Hospital, adding that the Government Wide Area Network (GWAN) upon which the SMART Care pro runs is a game changer.
“We are excited with the digitization of the records system at the hospital. A patient no longer has to go with a book because the system is now fully digitized,” she said.
After the tour of all SMART Zambia facilities in Kabwe, Acting Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Cabinet Affairs and Member of Parliament for Mwandi Constituency, Sibeso Sefulo, revealed that the 9-day interrogation tour was a worthwhile undertaking adding that the implementation of the GWAN by the SMART Zambia Institute and introduction of the SMART Care pro was a game changer that will increase efficiency and reduce operational costs in the health sector.
The Parliamentary Committee on Cabinet Affairs also toured the Ministry of Lands where the digitization of the system by the SMART Zambia Institute has enhanced service delivery through electronic invoices, title deeds filing, ground rates, and electronic payments into the treasury and other services related to land.
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